
Tuesday, August 18, 2009


On Saturday, August 8th, the day after Sarah and Brian's wedding, I joined Dave and Bob and the Wrights (Craig, Kevin, Kyle, and Brad) on a hike of Mount Timpanogos. I climbed this mountain fifteen years ago with Dave, Bonnie, and Bob, and I remember it being long and painful, but also spectacular and gorgeous. "What's fifteen years?" I thought. "It might hurt, but it will be worth the pain."

It did, and it was.

We started early while the moon was still out:


Near the summit:
Pictures taken from the hut on the top:

The awe-inspiring view during our descent:
The highlight of the trip for Bob: a moose we saw on the way down.

If I wait fifteen more years, I'll be sixty-four years old. I hope I go again sooner than that!


  1. I hope you go again soon, as well. You are an amazing hiker. While you were leading, you were doing a pace I was having a hard time keeping up with, all the while asking, "am I going too slow?" "Heck no, slow down," I thought. Craig Wright also commented on your hiking prowess. Fun trip, thanks for going with us.

  2. I myself have never been a fan of hiking- but these photos are just beautiful! Good for you for doing it!

  3. Thanks for taking us along, Judy -- I got all the benefit with none of the blisters! Utah is just beautiful, isn't it? I'm going to revisit this post when winter sets in here.

  4. How long was the hike? Is it steeper than the the hike to Timpanogas Cave?

  5. It was almost 20 miles round trip. The top was hiking in loose rocks, totally exposed on a very steep mountainside.
