You might be wondering WHY we chose to go to Arizona last weekend. Well, there is the obvious answer in my previous blog, but there are several other reasons as well.
Of course, there was the fun of being together. That's a good enough reason all by itself, even if we did have to take our own picture because we were so far off the beaten track that no one was around to do it for us.
Then there were the really cool gift shops. Bob wanted to take this yard ornament home, but unfortunately it didn't fit in the trunk of our Honda Accord. Darn it!
Bob was really excited about the prospect of renting this darling little cottage for a month or two. It had all the amenities anyone could want . . .
. . . and lovely, lush landscaping, the kind you want to gather in bouquets to put on the kitchen table . . .
. . . and, best of all, so much to do and see nearby. Here is Bob taking a picture of some of the local fauna:

And here is one of the pictures he took:
You noticed that frantically vibrating rattle, didn't you? And that nice forked tongue? Such an excellent specimen.
Besides the lovely cottage, we were quite taken by the pleasantness of our two-hour crawl across the Mexico/U.S. border. It gave us a lot of time to get to know the vendors along the wayside, and we were pretty tempted by the treasures being offered for sale:
Traveling with Bob is always an adventure.
All things considered, it was definitely a great trip.
All things considered, it was definitely a great trip.